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Feb 11, 2012

UDAR - Movie To Reality Instrument

(Michinobu Uda shows off his invention the UDAR)

"As a college student Michinobu Uda dreamed of creating a unique musical instrument, with a lot of hard work and study he did just that. The UDAR is a scifi-esque musical device played like nothing else I’ve ever seen..." Read More»
- Dayne Baton, Tokyo Tek

(UDAR invented by Michinobu Uda)

When I stumbled on this, it reminded me of a similar device (prop) I saw from the 1987 movie "Masters of the Universe" (terrible) based on the "He-Man" cartoons. I don't think Michinobu Uda have seen the movie and I don't recommend it unless if you're a huge fan of "He-Man."

(From "Masters of the Universe")

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