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Jan 16, 2012

Evolution of Fitness by Mike Chang

This video ad is from "sixpackshortcuts" and it's funny since we have some of the equipments that's shown here. They were forced on me but I didn't like it. 1st, the contraptions doesn't make sense. 2nd, stepping on the machine scares me because it's not stable and I fell several times. I had success in losing weight through walking and jogging - the old-fashioned way. If you see these useless B.S. on TV saying it works, don't buy it 'coz IT DOESN'T WORK. I can attest to that.


I don't now if Mike Chang's methods are real or not but I did try and failed their "M-100s." In my case, it took me barely 5 sloth like movements before the world started to spin. I was curious more than ambitious 'coz if you've seen his videos (the ones w/o weights), you can immediately say that it's bogus. For just a few minutes you can get a full workout? It sounds & looks fake if you've seen it. So I can't say if it's true or not, YET since I haven't done his free workouts and sticking to the schedule and routine. However, some of the points he mentioned on his channel made sense and some I agree such as sleep = fasting, don't believe a product labeled "healthy" to be true, go straight to gym or workout after work, etc.

If you're really curious like me, go try it for yourself. His got a few free workout vids on YouTube channel that you can do.

(Don't read this part if you're not family.)
I'm not trying to be a man nor do I want a 6 pack abs but if God would grace me such mid section, thank You Lord and accept it. I did look through women workouts 1st but they don't look they can burn so I started checking out men's belly workouts. Okay. I have no plans having a body like Mike Chang.

* (UPDATE Apr 15, 2012) *
Okay people, what's going on? You do know that this "shaking of dumbbells" doesn't get you to lose or shape your muscles. I can understand if you purchased it as a joke but for them to release a NEW similar product, this is just ridiculous. Unfortunately, there are people who are gullible to believe such "gadgetry" (paper weight) works. IT DOESN'T WORK!

(What happens after you bought it.)

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